Mount Natib


        In one of the days of April 2017, I have the first challenging adventure of my life. This is my first mountain climbing experience. Mount Natib is the highest peak in Natib Caldera. Mount Natib is a volcano, and it is a type stratovolcano, the highest peak is called Mount Natib Peak which consist of 1253 meters above sea level. This adventure gets out of my comfort zone and this is the start of my adventure journey.  Thanks to Engr. Poblete, my professor who inspire me in trekking and mountain climbing. I also climb here August 2017 and December 2018.

April 2017 Climb
With Engr. Poblete, my first mountain, my first challenging adventure.

April 2017 Climb
Here are some of the views above, I don't have a good camera here, 
and the views are not clear since there are fogs in the peak the time we climb.

August 2017 Climb
With Engr. Poblete, his nephew, my friend and my classmate, A very cold climb.

December 2018 Climb

With my Girlfriend, my Friend and Nephew.

        Why did I say challenging? Aside from long 2-3 hours trekking walk from jump off(Vista Tala),  it has many rope in the mountain before you reach the peak. It consist of 9 rope, I just capture 8 pictures since the first rope is climbable without a rope. Having fear of heights will be hard for climbing this kind of category level 5/9 mountain.


        Base on my research there 3 ways to get on Mount Natib Peak, first is from Abucay, Second is from Morong, Third is from Tala,Orani,Bataan. 
        For 3 times I only make 1 route, from Tala,Orani,Bataan, I can get you there.

        From Manila, Ride a Genesis/Bataan Transit that is going to Highway or Mariveles
Tell the driver or conductor that your are going to PETRON, ORANI,BATAAN in Roman Superhighway.

Courtesy: Google Earth

        Go on the right side then straight up to Vista Tala, if you don't have a car or other vehicle you can ride a tricycle for 150-200 pesos you can have 1 trip consisting of 3 people inside.

Courtesy: Google Earth

        As you can see Vista Tala is besides in DENR, the next step is register on DENR and pay for environmental fee for 60 pesos(Year 2018). You can go in Mount Natib without a guide because the trail are visible and there are ribbons on some of the areas. But for first timer I would suggest to pay for the tourguide, there is available tourguide in DENR, ofcourse safety first! 

Mount Natib Highest Peak, seen on Tala,Viewdeck Orani July 17,2020

        From DENR after registering you straight ahead and you will arrive at Tala,Viewdeck,Orani,Bataan. From here you could see peak of MT. Natib , Morong Sea, Mountains and other establishment in some part of Bataan and Pampanga.

        Next stop is water station, from left side of Tala,Viewdeck just follow trails and you will end up here at water station, this would be the last water supply in the mountains, refill and rehydrate!

        After following the trails of the last water station, you will proceed in an intersection. 
Forgot to picture the place but this is our selfie there. Going left(down) is for Pasukulan Falls, going right(up) is for Mt. Natib. 

        Then you will arrive on the campsite, the foot of  Mount  Natib, it is also the place where the first rope is located. It is consist of 9 ropes in total. Friendly tip, use gloves and never lean too much, just slowly climb holding on rope and your feet on the ground. 

            Then you will arrive on the peak. Congrats! It is 1253 Meters Above Sea Level, a category level 5/9 mountain.

 Oopps before I forgot, forgot to mention the limatik! What are limatik? 
        They are locally known as 'limatik' (Tagalog), 'limatok' (Bicol and elsewhere), and 'matok' (Cordilleras) among other names. These leeches range from 1-3 cms, and proliferate during the rainy season. Their extremely sharp sense of vibration enables them to detect approaching animals and humans. Start with the use of appropriate clothing. Wearing leggings and rash guards will help a lot to prevent limatik from getting in touch with your skin as compared to wearing trekking pants, shorts, or tees. Also, choose light-colored garments to easily detect the dark-colored leeches. Take them off before they bite.(
 My first limatik encounter

Thank for reading! I hope it helps you and enjoy it. Good luck with your adventure.
 The world is yours to explore. -Anonymous


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